Win It Sneak Peak: These Are My People

UPDATE:  The winner by random draw is Corri!  Corri, please email me at to claim your prize! 

Hey Everyone!

I have a new kit coming to both my shops this weekend and a chance for you to win it before you can buy it. Take a peek at These Are My People.

TAMP-sneak-peekTo win it, just leave me one word that sums up your people. My word for my family would be stoic. We are tough and sometimes you have to get under the face we present to the world to see the love we have for one another, but we all know it’s there, we count on it and we appreciate it more than any of us would ever say. LOL

I will choose one winner from here and one from Facebook Friday evening to receive the kit for free. Feel free to leave a comment in both places to better your odds.

I hope you be back later this week with more journaling tips.  I have not forgotten, but as usual, I have put more on my plate then I should have, so I am behind in that project.  I hope you will hang in there with me because I have more great tips to share with you from me and me time.

Thanks for playing along. I am looking forward to learning a bit about your families.

Live the moment.  Scrap the memory.


14 thoughts on “Win It Sneak Peak: These Are My People

  1. One word, hmmm. Playful – that’s the word I’d use. Thanks for a chance to win the new kit – it looks wonderful!

  2. first of all it looks like a beautiful beautiful kit ~I would call my people for loving crazy n always there to help if needed
    thank you so much for the chance to win

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