August ’15 DigiScrap Parade and At The Drive In

Hey Everyone!

It seems that summer is just flying by! I can’t believe it is August and time for another edition of the DigiScrap Parade already.

If you’re following the Parade route from start to finish, you should have arrived here from Alexis Design Studio’s Blog or Facebook Page and your next stop will be Maya de GrootIf you get lost along the way, simply head back to the main DigiScrap Parade site to view the master list and get back on track.

To download my part of the parade, click on the image or Here.

ljs-dsp-worldgeography101 This was such a great palette and theme, that, once again, I couldn’t resist creating a second part for my newsletter subscribers.

ljs-dsp-worldgeography101-nlIf you are a current newsletter subscriber, you will be receiving the link to this shortly.  If you do not subscribe to the LJS Designs Newsletter, now is the perfect time to sign up!

Before we know it summer will be over. Nothing says summer like going to the Drive-In and my new release, At The Drive In, with it’s fun themed elements, rich colors and wonderfully patterned papers, is the perfect digital scrapbooking kit to help you preserve all your movie memories.

ljs-atthedrivein-panGinger Scraps The DigiChick

The kit Includes 14 pattered papers, 6 solid papers and 70 unique elements including movie candy, pizza, cars, film, a pillow, speakers, a camera, a ticket booth, a pop corn machine, frames, journaling cards and so much more!

Take a look at the fabulous layouts my team created with this one!

At The Movies is available at Ginger Scraps and the Digichick for 40% off this weekend.  That’s right 40% Off!  Even better, my entire shop is on sale at 40% off all weekend long at both stores.  This is a great time to grab those LJS Designs items on your wish list for as low as $3.59 a kit!  Here’s a look at some of my more recent releases.

Not only is summer flying by, but so it time in general. I can’t believe I have been designing for almost 2 years now. It’s been a blast and I have loved building my portfolio, but the time has come to clean out some older product, so I am having my first Chick Blitz Retirement Sale at The DigiChick! I currently have 16 items on sale for $2.00 through the weekend. Once the sale ends, these items will leave my shop forever, so be sure to grab them before they are gone for good.

2chickblitzThanks also to everyone who played along in the Sneak Peek this week on FB.  The winner by random draw is Jean Hicks Rood.  Jean, please contact me at by Thursday, August 6, 2015, to claim your free kit!

Thanks for sticking with me for almost two years now and to the end of this post!

Live the moment.  Scrap the memory.


36 thoughts on “August ’15 DigiScrap Parade and At The Drive In

  1. Thank you for all the goodies within your downloads. Love the white edged-silhouettes of the many wonders of the world. As always, I am grateful. Hugs. 🙂

  2. I love this theme and this hop. You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your talents so generously! 🙂

  3. Merci beaucoup pour ces superbes cadeaux !♥♥
    Je viens juste de m’inxcrire à la newsletter, j’espère pouvoir recevoir le joli freebie spécial Paris ♥

  4. Thank you for the digiscrap freebie! I loved the design and I signed up for the newsletter so I can get the Paris one as well. Will that link be sent to me?

  5. Yes, the link will be in the next edition of the newsletter . I usually only send them out when I have a new release, but I will be doing one this weekend to get the link to you and the rest of the new subscribers. 🙂

  6. Thank you for sharing these 2 beautiful minis — the papers are lovely & the elements are unique … I feel like traveling!

  7. I only JUST found this (5 yr old) blog hop and I LOVE your set! So, now that I have signed up for your newsletter, may I have your cute little Paris set? Pleeeeeease!

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